Welcome Summer!

Posted by admin

Hello Friends!
School is out! It's time to celebrate Summer and Family!
I will return when school starts! My etsy shop is currently closed until Fall. Thank you to all! Have a wonderful summer!

Watermelon Fruit Basket

Posted by admin

Hello Friends!

Welcome Fun with Foods.......Watermelon Fruit Baskets! Every summer celebration/party needs one! You can see the directions for a fruit basket HERE!

Enjoy! Wishing you all sweet summer days filled with family and friends!

Happy Father's Day!

Posted by admin


"Young boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about young boys. "

Give A Way Winner!

Posted by admin

Thank you to everyone who entered!
Congratulations to Granni P! Brandi delightfully drew your name! I will get your prize delivered! Thanks for entering!

Granni P said...
Ok those are so delightful. I love the sprinkles but I love them all....

Wishing you all a Beautiful day filled with yummy cupcakes!


Posted by admin

Hello Dear Friends!
Welcome! Here's a few more Sweet Treats(zero calories) created especially for you-- In Celebration of Friends, Summer, Good Times and one year with Etsy! I am giving away my newest etsy creation......a Cupcake Pin cushion and a $40.00 gift certificate to redeem in my etsy shop now or when I re-open in the fall stocked with new
Fall and Christmas creations!

It's simple to enter:

** Be a Follower of this blog
**Tell me your favorite cupcake

If you choose to post about this drawing you will be entered twice(leave an additional comment). The winner will be announced Wednesday-June 16TH!

Everyone enter! Grandmas, sisters, friends, anuts, cousins, nieces, etsy customers, one and all!
Meet your cupcake pin cushions:

(1) Chocolate dreams with pretty in pink frosting

(2) Strawberry celebrations with candy sprinkles

(3) Some where over the rainbow with Tuti Fruti frosting

(4) Happy Birthday delight with candy sprinkles
Cheers to Celebrating Summer, Good Times, Friends and Etsy! Your cupcake and $40.00 gift certificate will be shipped priority shipping to your doorstep! Thank you dear friends!

Christmas in June

Posted by admin

Hello friends!
Yes, I am thinking about Christmas! It's that time of year for summer fun, and it's also a great time to start preparing for the Holidays! I like to get a jump start on Christmas. It makes the Holidays run smoother and allows more time to ENJOY Christmas!

When I say ENJOY--I'm talking about having more quality time in the month of December with your family and more time to relish the season and ponder the spiritual gifts of Christmas.

Through the early spring and summer months, you can find great deals on clearance items that work well for Christmas. I've found that Valentines and Fourth of July clearance sales work great for a lot of Christmas projects. Who doesn't love RED and WHITE POLKA DOTS? I also want to involve my kids in the preparation-summer is a great time to get your kids involved!

I hope to show a lot more Christmas ideas as I prepare for the Holidays! Start a plan that works well for you, map out your gifts. I have found to save myself a lot of time by preparing Christmas cards, neighbor, teacher and friends gifts early in the year and hopefully have them completed by October! I like to send my Christmas cards Thanksgiving weekend. When the Holidays arrive, it feels GREAT to have those little details already checked off. It's also great to have a less committed time schedule of getting Christmas projects done.

I have shown a lot of handmade Christmas gifts made with love from Grandma on this blog.
She begins preparation for Christmas in January! She is a Grandmother to 30 plus grandchildren. Her success is contributed to early preparation.

Here are a few ideas of Christmas gifts that I have prepared early in the year:

Christmas Aprons-(handmade) with front pockets-fill the pockets with, candy canes, favorite recipes and homemade treats! I like to make my aprons reversible, Christmas on one side, Spring and Summer on the other side!

12 days of Christmas- Sew 12 simple stockings or purchase socks that can be filled with treats and gifts for the 12 days of Christmas. A few years ago, we did a countdown to Christmas for grandparents with small hand made stockings. My kids had a lot of fun doing it with me! I also did the 12 days of Christmas for my son serving a mission. I purchased gifts early in the year and attached tags. I added treats in the end when I was ready to ship.

Snowman Candy Bars: You can make these CANDY BARS early in the year! Make the Candy bar wrappers. I have recently found snugly warm red socks and gloves on clearance at Walmart. You can purchase candy bars and put your completed projects inside a box and store in the freezer(In case you forget, put a note on your calender in the month of November that you have Christmas candy bars in the freezer!)

Christmas craft box: A Teacher Appreciation gift that can easily be used for CHRISTMAS neighbor and teacher gifts- use Christmas scrapbook paper and embellish with Christmas tags, etc. I found the craft box's at JoAnn's Fabric store for one dollar! In December, fill the box with Christmas candy such as, red and green M&M's, Christmas candy bars, Christmas ornaments and all the good stuff!

I hope you feel inspired! Deck The Halls with boughs of holly~ fa la la la la la la la!
Stay tuned! I have a new Christmas project to share!

We all love receiving home baked treats for the holidays. Of course, baking is a big part of celebrating the season. I love to bake in the month of December. The smell of cinnamon in the kitchen always welcomes the season! So, I must say, there are some things that are happily done best in the month of December!

Jessica's "Daily Affirmation"

Posted by admin

I love this! I watched this short video with my little girl. We both laughed and thought it was great! What a great way to start your day!

Have a beautiful day!