Festive Potted Summer Pin wheels

Posted by admin

Hello, I'm back already!  LOL
I can't resist  these adorable Pin Wheels!
I think they are great for Summer Picnic's and super fun for kids!
I know pin wheels have been around forever.
I like the way these are displayed in Terra cotta pots!
The ideas are endless with double sided scrapbook paper!

I often use my blog as a place to file creations I want to make.
I want to make these for a Birthday Party!
I hope you enjoy them too!
You will find directions here:

 Welcome new followers!

Have a Fun Summer!

Posted by admin

Hello Friends!
Life is moving quickly, as it always does!
I'm EXCITED to say....
I'm  HAPPILY setting a extra plate at the dinner table!
My son just returned HOME from a LDS Church Mission from Richmond Virginia!
I can't describe the JOY it is to have him HOME!
I'm celebrating and relishing every moment.
I'm taking TIME to enjoy it all!
School will soon be out for my younger kids.
My children are going all different directions in life.
I will be taking a break from posting for awhile.
My greatest role in life is being a MOM.
There is no greater JOY!
Thank you to everyone for your cupcake orders!
I will be back with more Fall and Christmas Joy!

 Thank you Friends!
Have a wonderful SUMMER!

Welcome Smitten 4 Glitter!

Posted by admin

Cheers to Smitten 4 Glitter! 
A darling new ETSY SHOP filled with adorable charms,  vintage laces,
decorative scrapbook papers and paper kits along with beautiful embellishments for crafting!

My favorite:  The jewels that you can accessorize with head bands, picture frames,
jewelry and just about anything your heart desires.
Create paper Restoration and Portrait Collection Kits, great for mini albums, tags,
or any of your altered art/decor pieces.
 You will love the utube videos  that walk you through the beautiful pieces that are
available in the kit!
Denice is very talented in everything she creates!
I adore her, you will too!
Thanks for visiting!

School Days

Posted by admin

If you are visiting and wondering where the last post(School Days) went to,
I'm not sure where it is???
I lost the comments and post altogether!
I know blogger was having some technical problems yesterday.
Sorry about that.
Update: The post has magically appeared.
 (see previous post).

School Days and Notes of Appreciaton

Posted by admin

Hello Friends!
It's hard to believe the end of another school year is coming to an end!
Here are a few more Teacher Gifts that I have shared in previous posts.
This one is my favorite. I think hand written notes of appreciation are the best!
You may recognize these wood hearts from Christmas and Valentines.
They work well for a lot of different occassions.
They are certainly from The Heart!

A hand written note is placed in a pocket on the reverse side of heart.
Personalize your heart with the mini chalkboards.
(The mini chalkboards were found at JoAnn's)

(Wood Hearts are embellished with decorative scrapbook paper, ribbon etc. )

The mini composition books are from Walmart in the office supply isle.
 I think they are also great for writing notes of appreciation to your child's teacher
or favorite school memories.

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day!
I sure did!
I love the cards and handmade gifts that my kids make, they are priceless treasures!

It seems, as though, hand written notes are becoming more and more a thing of the past.
From the heart, write someone a hand written note today. 
Post It Notes work well!
This one made me smile!
(I found it on my pillow)
Thank you for your emails regarding Teacher Gifts!
Welcome new followers!

When I become a Parent:

Posted by admin

I will let my kids do whatever they want.
I will have a whole bunch of puppies.
I will let my kids stay out late, they can come home whenever they want.
I will buy them whatever they want!
I will let my kids have a TV, computer and phone in their room.
They can play whenever they want to.
Good grades won’t matter.
We will go to the Sand Dunes every weekend.
I won’t make my kids go on Family Vacations when they are teenagers!
I will give them a cell phone when they want one!
I will let them watch TV all night.
I will let my kids stay up late every night.

The list goes on and on.......
Just a few perks that my children say they will let their children do when they become parents!
 I wish them the best of luck!
 Happy Mother's Day to everyone!