Happy Mother's Day Card

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Hello Friends!
I found this adorable handmade Mother's Day Card 
featured on: Time Out For Women

So cute and simple to make!
created by Liz from
Handmade is from the heart.

"There is no one perfect way to be a good mother... Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children... What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above all else."

"...the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction." 

Great Quotes from:

Teacher Apple Of My Eye

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Teacher Appreciation Gifts!

Teacher--You're the APPLE of my EYE!

Apples made from Riley Blake(The Quilted Fish) 
(Red and white polka Dots with Apples.)

Hand Magnets are made with Buttons from JoAnns or Michaels Craft Store
12 X 12 Magnet Board is made with
Fabric of your choice covering a 10 X 10 square of metal 
 Gift Tags are printed on business cards.

Apples can be used for decorating a Teacher Table Top,  
Crafty Pin Cushions,  Paper Weights etc. 
 The base of each apple is weighted down with sand bags.
Fabrics from this collection can be purchased from
Annie Moore Fabrics:

Thanks for visiting my Pinterest Board:

Teacher Appreciation Gifts

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Hello Friends!
I'm working on Teacher Gifts.
I want to share a few more Teacher Gifts that can be used with the
My inspiration started with a simple cardboard cup holder from Jack In The Box.
(I've done similar projects for Christmas/Neighbor gifts).

Thank you to 2 silly monkeys for the new version of the M&M poem print out.

I simply added a few Teacher gifts that followed the theme of the poem,
 I made a bookmark from School Themed Fabric and added crayon buttons.
Teacher Bookmark is lined with interfacing stabilizer.
(Fabric was found at JoAnns Fabric Store)
I also covered clothes pins with ribbon to attach the poem to the box.

 The best part of the gift is a FULL  JAR of  M&M's!
Home made M&M cookies are also great!
I also made a half apron made from Teacher Themed fabric with pockets for art projects.
Other items to add:
hand written appreciation card

 Box of Crayons
Gift Cards/Gift Certificates
School Supplies

Simple to make!
Begin with a drink/cup holder
(This is how the box looks after I spray painted it with Chalkboard Spray Paint.)
I had my daughter write on the box with white chalk on the box.
It really works!
Let your imagination and creativity take over and have fun!

(The flat crayons and hand buttons by Favorite Findings can be found at JoAnns Fabric Store.)

Thank you Teachers!
We appreciate you!

My Magnificent and Marvelous Teacher

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Teacher Appreciation Gifts!                       
You may remember the M&M Poem from last year.

I found the small clear paint cans from Michael's Craft Store.
We decorated our cans with Teacher Stickers from Stickopotamus Back To Class SPSN03.
(The stickers may no longer be available).
One large bag of M&M's 42 Ounce size (Walmart) will fill two cans.

We attached My Magnificent and Marvelous Teacher poem to the cards along with a note.

Green is for the inspiration you give me each day.
Blue is for your patience in showing me the way.
Orange is for your warmth and caring style.
Yellow is for the way you always make me smile.
Red is for my life that you have touched this year.

You place knowledge in my hands,

that melt into my heart and live forever!
You're a "Magnificent" & "Marvelous" Teacher!
Thank you for being my M&M!

Apple Pin Cushion Pattern

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Welcome Spring!
Put fabric scraps to good use with this fruity pin cushion project from Mollie Makes magazine
Directions and printable pattern found here:

Sew Easy Patterns

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Sweet Treats for a 
Happy Valentines Day!
PDF Patterns available in my Etsy Shop!
Seasons of Joy by Brenda
 PDF Cupcake Pin Cushion
 PDF Spring Easter Carrots

Valentine Pennie Pockets

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A Happy Valentine Pocket-
made with adorable pink and red fabric prints
including polka dots!
From Moda Bake Shop
Stay warm my friends!

Frame A Smile

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Welcome back to more ideas to create and share for
A Happy Valentines!
 Frame a Smile....
This is where the Frames started
 Frames are simple,
A plain, 2-3 inch flat frame surface works best.
I found my frames at Marshall's, they vary in price from $3.00 to $6.99.
(I still need to finish the large one)
This is what the frames looked BEFORE the DECOR-
Materials used: Mod Podge, Heavy Weight Textured Card Stock, Tulle,
Pearl Beads, straight pins, glue sticks and Ribbon.
You can find directions and endless ideas for adorable flowers HERE .
You can also see a Fabric Flower TUTORIAL UTUBE video HERE.
The Red Frames are great for Valentines!
I added red pins to the center of my handmade fabric flowers.
My Frame is covered with textured glittered red card stock paper.
You can make the Tulle flowers the same way as the fabric flowers, they are especially cute
with frilly pink paper!
I made small green leaves to accent the flowers, I made them on my sewing machine.
Place two green fabrics right sides together, start sewing a leaf pattern, trim and turn.
Pinch the leaf together and glue into place.
Paper from La Creme Stack (Premium Stacks) DCWV
I love the heavy texture of the paper.
I added a small doily with the handmade fabric flowers, along with
a tiny trim of black rick rack and printed ribbon that reads:
Cherish, Love, Joy.

I must say, they are addicting, the possibilities are endless when it comes to
coordinating patterns and colors!

CHERISH the one's you LOVE!


I Heart Chocolate!

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Say 'I Love You' with Candy
Use large candy bars as a starting point. Personalize them with scrapbook papers, ribbons, buttons, beads, and stickers. Use decorative-edge scissors to add details, and cut out embellishments to top them off. Sew a red button on one and tie it up with string.  Inspired by Better Homes and Garden.
All you need is LOVE and a little chocolate doesn't hurt!