Recipe For Daily Success

Posted by admin

The KITCHEN is the HEART of the HOME! I'm sharing this recipe with you to give you some inspiration on some fun ways to share a great recipe of daily success!

I have used this recipe for so many different ideas! My favorite is to tuck it inside a homemade apron pocket for a gift! I have changed the recipe to fit Christmas! (One barrel of Christmas Cheer, 1 cup of JOY, etc) I have also attached this recipe to measuring cups, and tucked them inside a mitten hot pad!

Here is a fun idea! Decoupage an over sized recipe on your tabletop for a heaping helping of style and sentiment! (click to enlarge)

I serve you this recipe with friendship in generous helpings! Enjoy!
( Country Sampler, February 2003--Taken from my "Home Idea Book".)


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