Sweet Treats for Baby!

Posted by admin

I heart handmade, baby gifts! 
Today is the day of a baby shower for one special little baby girl who will be arriving soon!
This sweet little baby girl is going to receive a dozen cupcakes filled with "sweet treats"!
Ingredients:  Six adorable little baby socks wrapped in 12 colorful washcloths, three onesies, three handmade burpcloths made with sweet little polka dots and ric rac!

I saved my sons cake box from his Birthday!
I Wrapped the clear cake container in tulle, add a baby tag!
Welcome Sweet BABY GIRL!

I am going to make more!  You will see more baby boy and baby girl creations, and other magical creations for baby coming soon to my etsy shop!
I will use a lot of my handmade burp cloths, diaper buddy bags, and other handmade baby accessories!


                                                               Have a "SWEET" day!


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