Countdown To Christmas

Posted by admin

Welcome Friends!
Welcome December First!
Today is the beginning of
The MAGIC of CHRISTMAS lives strong in the heart of a child.
Advent Calendar's keep the ANTICIPATION of 
CHRISTMAS DAY Fun and Exciting!
My little snow angel.
I'm excited to say, I finally made a Advent Calendar with 24 pockets!
(I wish I had made one 10 years ago!)
My last child can enjoy it!

I couldn't resist more chocolate and candy canes!
I'm going to hang my Advent Calendar in my Dining Room!
Start with Day One on December 1st....
Take one ornament and candy cane out of the pocket each day and place on the
Christmas Tree!
Each pocket is filled with daily Christmas activities and random acts of kindness.

I found my little "Winter Girl "at Tai Pan Trading in Sandy, Utah!
I thought they were perfect for a Advent Calendar,
and the ornaments remind me of my baby girl!

I like the idea of putting a daily scripture in each pocket.
There are so many FUN ideas!
I made my Advent Calendar with three hooks that
slip easily over shelf hooks.
There are so many FUN ways to
We've also used CHRISTMAS socks!
You can read more about it HERE.
Once Upon A time...
For Grandparent Gifts, I made 24 small Christmas Stockings,
we hung them on a rope with clothespins and numbered each stocking with 24 tags.
I had my kids fill the stockings with candy and gifts, along with favorite memories and
what they LOVED about their Grandparents!
It was fun for my kids as well as their Grandparents!
The JOY of giving is so much better then receiving!

I have a new idea to share with the same gift giving concept as
the Grandparent stockings.

I will share it soon!
Countdown to Christmas Santa Hats
 and  "JOY" Banner
(From Better Homes and Garden)
By the way....
I wish I could say my HOME was completely decorated for Christmas!
I must say it feels good to start EARLY!

Tis The Season!


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