Celebrate Fall

Posted by admin

Welcome Friends
The Twelve Days Of Creative Fall

(Banners by:  parents.com    flickr.com)

Today is all about Fun and Festive 
 Fall and Halloween Banners!
I love Banners!  How about you?

CELEBRATE is on one side-
BOO is on the reverse side!

This was a fun project!
Although, I will do several things differently the next time around.
It's amazing what a FIRST TIME project will teach you.
I have a few tips to share at the end of this post.
My sister made one with me, which brings a lot of laughter and goofy times!

I've used the CELEBRATE side for Back to School and a Special Birthday!
I can't wait to use the BOO side!
Here are a few more Banners from my

Here's a little Banner INSPIRATION!
I love all of these banners.
(The links are provided by Pinterest, they may not take you directly to the site)

By:  etsy.com

If you plan to make your own Banner from Fabric-
Here are a few tips to save on TIME and MONEY.
We(my sister and I) decided we didn't neccessarily need to use quilting fabrics.
You can save time by using self made binding. (Walmart)
It's not necessary to line your banner with stabilizer lining/interfacing but it does look nice!
Letters take a long time.
Cut your flags out with straight scissors and begin sewing.
We made our banners with a special rotary cutter that gives a scalloped edge.
(It was hard to match up the flags when placing right sides together.)
With all this in mind, I love having a Banner for Family Celebrations.

Feel Free to leave some tips or a link if you've created a Banner!

Thanks for visiting!
More Fall and Halloween Fun is on it's way!
Three more days to go!
I hope you are having fun!


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