Welcome September 1ST!
Welcome everyone..happy to have you here!
Today is the beginning of
Twelve Days Of Creative Fall!
I could truly sit here for the next twelve days!
I would eat Rees's Peanut Butter cups, drink a ice cold Pepsi,
and soak up the beauty of it all!
How about you?
The colors of Fall are truly the most beautiful colors of all.
I'm inspired!
What a beautiful world!
I'm following my inspiration, as I bring you the next
Twelve Days of Creative Fall.
Welcome to Sunny and Warm Arizona!
I can only hope for autumn leaves on my green trees, but I must say
they are beautiful all through the winter months.
At the front porch you are greeted with a Fall Wreath.
My Fall Wreath started out as a large 18" grapevine wreath.
I Created my wreath with The Colors and Textures Of Fall...Burlap and Grapevine.
Welcome Friends....Welcome Autumn Harvest!
Here is another idea using a china plate holder to hold a wreath.
I have this plate holder hanging in my entry.
I use the plate holder for all seasons and it is especially great for wreaths!
(My plate hanger changes a lot, you may remember it from Christmas.)
This wreath is created with my mini pumpkins which will be coming
soon to my etsy shop.
The doily is not attached, since it is my favorite. I use it everywhere!
(Thank you Megan-a handmade gift that I treasure.)
Here is a better view of the plate holder. I like the design of this one, since
it anchors frames nicely.
The "Autumn Harvest" board is attached to the wreath.
The mini pumpkins sit on the ledge
Happy Crafting!
Fall Wreaths are a welcome addition to your Fall Decor!
(photo by Martha Stewart.com)
For more Wreath Inspiration- visit my Wreath Pinterest Board!
I heart Fall!
Friday Fun is coming!
**Don't forget**
All comments are going into a drawing for a set of
Fall Pumpkins or Fall Apples from my etsy shop.
Each and every comment is considered a entry. :)
Thanks for visiting!
Come back soon!
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